Excellent Creative Learning Apps

I hope you don’t mind but I’ve noticed that a few of us in the group have young children and so I thought I’d share a couple of apps that my kids love and that I find to be of high quality.   One is NFBPixstop  which is a FREE app created by the National Film board of Canada.  This app allows students to create their own short stop-motion films with ease.   I took five minutes to show my kids how to make a film and they have been creating ever since.

Here is a link to an example:

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Another outstanding app is Toontastic.   It costs $2.99 but is well worth it.   This app allows students to create a cartoon.   It guides children through developing a story line, picking music, moving characters, and so on.  Using the “Story Arc” children set up each scene and can either draw their own backgrounds and/or characters or use ready made ones.

Here is an example that my seven year old did yesterday.




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